Thursday, July 1, 2010

Washington's Crossing

Washington's Crossing

That big grill. Remember? Thanks for this nice picture
Victoria Badessa:)


Anonymous said...

I remember huddling in that pavilion with a hundred others during a lightening storm when I was a kid. Scared out of my mind.

Washington Crossing brings back so many memories. No car but dad would take me to fish in the canal and drink from the spring (later closed). My uncle had the Esso station on 29 and Washington Crossing Pennington Road and my cousins went to school in the one room school house in Harbourton.

When I married and sadly left Trenton, yes I still get misty over leaving, we moved to a tiny house right across from the park.


Mack said...

My Dad was born across from that
Gas Station in 1936.
Remember the canoes and paddleboats
in the canal (I think Huber's was
the company that ran them).

Anonymous said...

Such a nice fellow. The canoes in high school ... on a date with your sweetie!

He was still active for a old guy and the first year we moved in (late 70's), there was a big ice storm and lots of cars were stuck on the hill. The old fellow had an ancient Jeep and put me in the back filled with salt and sand ... he drove and I tossed. Why wait for the town with all those people stuck? What a guy.
