Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Trenton Farmers Market

Trenton Farmers Market, 960 Spruce Street, North Trenton/
Ewing. Many Burg folks would go here. Halo Farms right
here too:)


Anonymous said...

My first job, the year 1960. Worked for a farmer from Columbus, NJ. Remember those days selling tomatoes, corn and fresh vegetables all for $0.50 an hour, but it was fun, met a lot of nice people there.

Mack said...

Remember the Dales Supermarket
on the Brunswick Circle?
I am told that area is where the
Trenton Giants with Willie Mays

Anonymous said...

Mack, sure do remember Dales, my parents and I lived on Brunswick Ave. near Spruce St. We use to play baseball before they built Dales there. I can't remember what the building was originally, but there was a large grass field that was perfect for baseball. My father remembers seeing Willie Mays play there in 1950 for the Trenton Giants.

Saxman said...

And Giant Tiger out that way, too...

Anonymous said...

Hi Mack, Barb the appraiser here, just got an email from Dave and he told me to chime in. Burg born and bred, grew up 1072 So Broad,went to Immaculate Conception and graduated from Trenton High, class of '66. You must all be too young to remember the original Farmers Market on the point (John Fitch Way and S Warren St)in S Trenton. Who is old enough to remember?

Saxman said...

Hey Barb P.....paulie here, THS '61..walked across John Fitch Way many times to get something to eat or drink while fishing with my dad on the Delaware by American Bridge.
Also, I had friends that lived in the "project housing" next to the market.

Anonymous said...

Hey Paulie,
When the herring ran, everybody went to the little hot dog stand at the Farmers Market. I remember the lady who ran it only had 1 leg or 1 eye, don't remember which. Anyway she use to scare me!

Mack said...

Hi Barb:)
I wish you and your loved
ones a Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year:)

Here are some local South Broad
Street places from the 60s:

1058 Kays Tavern
1063 Marsh Hobby Shop
1072 Muller & Ofner Paint
1079 HGK Meats
1084 Lil's Shoes
1086 Helens Lucheonette
1091 Quality Food Market
1093 Milners Variety Store
1095 Self Serv Launderette
1120 Kellers Sweet Shop
1200 The Barrister Tavern
1201 Siegels Pharmacy
1205 Hubers Bakery
1237 Dayton House Tavern
1301 Horners Confectionary

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you and yours. 1072 was where I lived, used to be Jacob Krohn's, Yellen's Pharmacy, Community Paint Store, Muller and Offner Shoe Store. Next door was Lenny Frost's Bar and later 2nd Precinct Bar. Helen's Lunchonette was on the corner.

Saxman said...

Barb...the woman at the hot dog stand had 1 leg. Also, there was a slaughter house on Blumsberg(?) St
and Levines Working Man's store also in the area....

Anonymous said...

Mazaros Meat Market on Broad next to where Marazzos was had a slaughterhouse in the alley behind the store. Never saw a name on that alley. I remember the alley behind Sanders and the Broad Theater was Freundenmacher Alley. My dentist Dr. Lavine, was right at the alley and Beatty. He later moved to S Clinton across from Palmer-Trout, next to Gaug's Meat Market. Hows that for pulling it out of the old grey matter?

Saxman said...

think harder...what was the name, or kind of store, that was on the corner of the alley right after the dentist's office?