Saturday, December 27, 2008

Franklin Elementary School The Burg

Franklin Elementary School, 200 William Street (Corner
of William Street and Liberty Street), The Burg.
I went to Franklin School :) When they located our
Polling Station there for elections it was great to see the
inside of the ole place. I looked in the Library and saw
those tiny colored chairs and thought were we ever that
small:) I could hear echos of Ms Adams going on about
Mrs Pines Purple House and The Cat in The Hat and the
United Nations:) Remember kids dont mess with Ms
Adams Typewriter:)
I can see a classmate going out on the ledge by the window
Ms Adams had left open (It was YOU Walter !!).
I won 3rd place in an Art contest with a noodle painting
of a boat (dont ask). I think that painting is now hanging
in the Louvre in Paris next to the Mona Lisa..or maybe
I loved the Chicken on a Stick they had every so often
at lunch and have never seen it anywhere else.
They taught us well at Franklin School as when I left I
was promoted to the highest classes over at Junior 4.
Thank you Mr Contento, Ms Cunningham,Mr Burke &
Mr Gaug:)
Burg School Days long ago:)


Anonymous said...

Mack, you lived on Liberty St., I remember a large single home on a big lot on the right hand side of Liberty if you were heading to Olden Ave. It was a corner lot, pretty close to Ace Welding. Do you know who lived there?

Mack said...

Hi Joe:)

Here are the folks I find at
that time there.
I will do 5 on each side of Ace


1814 Lazzer, Nicholas
1817 Kline, Jas
1823 Beco Inc
1902 Jasniewicz, Mary
1909 Gatti, Emma

Arnell, Ralph

1923 Alloway, Harry
1925 Kelly, Austin
1933 Hunsberger, Wilmer
2005 Rickett, Chas
2009 Dennis Dess

Hope that helps:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mack but that house was across the street near Ace Welding. I knew Ralph Arnell and his family.

Anonymous said...

Joe Z,
If it's the house at the corner of Liberty and S Clinton, we used to call it the "haunted house'-no paint, roof falling off, windows hanging, weeds everywhere. A mean, old lady used to live there and she would hollar at us if we skated in front of her house. Dr. Berish the chiropractor bought it and fixed it up. He had his office in there until he retired. Don't kow who has it now.

Anonymous said...

Barb: I know the house your talking about this one was closer heading towards Olden Ave. It had a black iron fence all around the property and set back. Made out of brick. It looked like a mini mansion in those days.

Anonymous said...

Joe Z, now I know the one your talking about, when I was walking home from St Anthonys HS, used to stop and think..when I grow up I gotta find me a guy that could afford a house like that. I still admire it when I'm heading to DeLorenzos. Don't know who lived there, but he must have been a Doctor.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Barb, I knew I was not going crazy, so it's still there, probably was some doctor or lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Joe Z...You may be going crazy, but the house is still there. Mack..look up MLS #4589556 in Hamilton and let Joe Z see he's not crazy.