Saturday, December 27, 2008

Trenton State Prison Cass Street

Trenton State Prison Cass Street, South Trenton. Burg folks
saw this on their way to the John Fitch Way AKA Rt 29.
Paintings on the side of it? Why not:)
I always wondered why Second Street was a bit wider
than most other streets in the area. An accident of history
most likely.


Anonymous said...

X's husband's Father was a guard there.


Saxman said...

Teddy Wood, Walt Szul, Adam Mazur and me...all from the BeattySt/JerseySt/HomeAve area hung around outside the prison walls to catch home-runs hit by inmates inside the rec yard...mostly tennis balls. Plus I went out with the warden's daughter (don't remember her name) in the late 50's...
also remember when Rubin "Hurricane" Carter was in there.

Anonymous said...


Was her last name Yeager or Young, somethig like that.


Saxman said...

B.....yes it was like was when we were at Jr#4...her first name was not a common type name...looks like I need to start taking ginko to get the brain going...!

Anonymous said...

I remember those days, sitting on the curb waiting for those pink balls to fly over the walls. They were always marked with something by the inmates.

Anonymous said...


Was Marcia Yeager? I think that might be it.


Anonymous said...

Yes remember those days of always hoping to get a pink ball. Use to take a walk everyday during the summer in hopes of finding one of them.