Old Washington Schoolyard 1970
Located on Roebling Avenue at Emory Avenue and Whittaker
Avenue. The first two kids in this picture have contributed
to this blog ...for which I thank them..Kid furthest left is
Mike Brandolino and the Kid in the center is Gino Formaroli:)
Early training for the City of Trenton Department of Public Works.
One scoop man, one to wield the shovel and dig the hole and one to supervise.
Two PW guys were observed; one dug the hole and the other filled it in. This went on for a dozen holes till a resident watching asked why dig a hole just to fill it in? "Well there are usually three of us but the guy who plants the tree is sick today"
Hi Skip:)
LOL @!
Well whoever runs the City of Trenton Parks Department gets a hat tip from me. Parks in the Burg area still all very nice shape:)
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