Saturday, November 26, 2011

Hewitt Street on a Summer Afternoon, The Burg

Hewitt Street on a Summer Afternoon, The Burg
This is the 400 block of Hewitt Street and was part of
my block or "around the corner" from me. All of the people
have changed and the days and months and years have followed
one another endlessly since then.. but when I catch just
the right moment a picture takes me back.
The minute I saw how this picture came out I knew I had
captured a moment of my Burg Memory Lane.
A parking lot was gravel and uneven and when it rained
some puddles formed. I remember we got a cinder block
and a piece of wood and jumped that puddle with our
bikes. God knows where we found a cinder block..hey we
were Burg kids..we knew where stuff was...
I remember someone practicing drums to a hit song at the
time "Hitching a Ride" by Vanity Fair..late 1960s.. and
they were pretty good. I remember someone had a VW Beetle
which they had to start by having folks push it.
Wait... Moms calling... I have to go home for supper..
or Dad just got home as its a saturday at around 2 in
the afternoon and we are going to Independence Mall to
spend our allowance...

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