Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Carl Lowenthal Talks About Playing At Gus Heintz Club on 1108 Chambers Street, Hamilton

Carl Lowenthal Talks About Playing At Gus Heintz Club on
1108 Chambers Street, Hamilton

Carl Lowenthal said..........
I studied drums with Tony DeNicola from the age of 13 to
18, and then started playing with Bobby DeNicola at a
club in Trenton called Gus Heintz's. We played there 6
nites a week. Tony was with the Harry James Band at the
time. Bobby and Tony taught me so much about life and
music. I loved both of them dearly for "touching my life"
and for making me a better human being. I used to eat at
Bobby's house many times, and remember Rosalie,his wife
was such a great Italian cook. If his daughter read this,
I would love to hear from them.

I found this just surfing the web and it certainly
applies as Gus club was 1 block from the Burg:)


Tom Pass said...

Bobby's daughter lives in Garden City, SC. I visited Bobby a number of times before his unfortunate passing. He was a wonderful and generous human being always full of good stories!

Mack said...

Thank you for your comment Tom.
I always hope when I post on local folks that their friends see it:)

Mr. Wallace said...

I am Gus's great nephew, Great Grandson to his brother Jacob.

I'd love to hear more about Gus and his bar. Would also like any info on his family so I can continue on my genealogy. Was he married? Did he have kids? mwallace@nac.net.

Thanks Mark Wallace