Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Trenton Catholic High School 1957, The Burg

Trenton Catholic High School 1957, The Burg
Click on the picture and see if there are any familiar


JoeZ said...

Nice pictures Mack, someone must have photo's of their late 1950's and early 60's basketball teams, sure would like to see some.

Mack said...

Hi JoeZ:)
Type Trenton Catholic Basketball
and one of the items that pops
up is a big picture of the
1957 undefeated Trenton Catholic
Basketball Team. Stephen Balog
gave me that picture:))

Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Mack: I have to comment on the difference in students dress compared to how they appear today. The way some kids dress for school today is disgraceful. Those students at Trenton Catholic in 1957 are about as neat and tidy as the school they attend. Regards.