Theatres in The Burg/Random Notes
Some notes from Cinema Treasures Website Included
I find one listed in the 1923 Trenton City Directory as the
Bella Theatre at 721 Chestnut Avenue. I think that is where
Sainte Marie Cleaners was located in my Burg day:)
The Intersection of Anderson Street and Washington Street
Form a Triangle where the Park Theatre Once Was.
The Old Theatre Building was her in my Burg day but I
do not know what it was used for. My Dad Ed MacNicoll
told me it was sold or donated to the City of Trenton a
few years ago and was torn down to make the little park
area that is there now.
The August 28, 1915, issue of trade journal The Moving Picture
World said that contracts had been let for the construction of
the Bijou Theatre at Clinton and Chestnut avenues in Trenton.
The owners were Hildinger and LaMonte, operators of several
theaters in Trenton. The $20,000 project was expected to be
completed by November 15, 1915. The plans were drawn by local
architect Frederick Slack. This building is still there and
was always a church in my Burg day.
Liberty Theatre 302 Cummings Avenue listed in 1917 in the
Trenton City Directory. This building is still there and
looks cool and triangular. It was always Landolfi Foods in
my Burg day.
In the 1917 Trenton City Directory, a theater named Crescent
Theatre is listed at South Broad Street and Hudson Street.
This might have also been called the Victory Theatre later
on. I think this was a furniture place in my Burg day.
A special note to folks of my Burg era.
The Pennsbury Theatre in Morrisville was a place many folks
went on friday or saturday night to see Pink Floyd or Led
Zeppelin well as a place that folks went to see
movies for a cheap price. The theater's mascot for many years
was a beautiful golden retriever that would lounge in the
lobby. The dog's name was Gulliver. Later, after the dog
passed on, there was a photo of him by the spot he would reside.
I remember petting Gulliver..he was a laid back dog who
gave off the vibe he was neither excited or dismayed to see
us..just sort of a "hey how ya doin?" :))
The Pennsbury was located in a small shopping strip
(Pennsbury Plaza) at Route 13 and West Trenton Avenue.
The long-forgotten Morrisville Drive-in was a little more than
a stone's throw away on West Trenton Avenue. A Burger King
and another shopping strip occupies that location.
4 years ago
Hi Mack: Of all the theatres you mention, I can best recall the Victory at the corner of Broad and Hudson. I remember going there to see a vaudevill show and movie in the early 30s. I was in the neighborhood cause my brother Lou was getting married and having the reception at Hungarian Hall down the street. It was a small stage but can't recall the attraction.
Hi Ralph:)
Was the Hungarian Hall on Genesee
I never knew theatres would have
a show that would include both a
vaudville act and a movie.
Yet another reason why its great
to have your insights on the ole
The Capitol Threatre by State and Broad also had vaudeville
acts. The old Mayfield I beleive also had acts.
The Hungarian Hall is located at Genesee and Hudson Streets.
Hi Joe:)
Thank You for your comments.
I thought it was at Genesee
and Hudson too was wasnt 100%
sure so I just said Genesee.
I think that building is now
or was at one time connected
to Saint Stephens Church down
the street in some form.
Hi again Mack: I also faintly recall that Bella Theatre on Chestnut. It must have been in the 20s. I think I used to call it the BBs. My mom took me to see Italian movies that were very boring.
And the Palace Theater on S. Broad, location of new Mercer County Courthouse.
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