Saturday, March 20, 2010

John Bohn's Burg Area Memory Lane Part 2

John Bohn's Burg Area Memory Lane Part 2

John Wrote:
Hi Again, Mike. Boy! I never thought that I would be going
through so many memories. But here are some more if you want
to see of what value they would be for you.
Lalor Street starts from Broad Street near Holy Angels Church,
(I was a Boy Scout there), and goes toward the river. Passes on
the left, a cemetery, and a skating rink on the right. Ends at the
John Fitch Way On the right corner, Brewery, Trenton Old Stock.
2 Qualities of beer. Pedestrians could look through open doors and
see beer being bottled. My Uncle, Peter Gischlar worked there and
he endowed a small glass to drink. Across the street was a boat
dock where the owner made row boats of which my Father, Peter Bohn,
bought a boat, a 16 or + and mounted a 5 HP Johnson outboard motor
on it and docked it at Steve Graff' s dock at the near end of the
John Fitch Way. It was past the Trenton Yacht Club. Also, the
street was a Spooner's Paradise, until there was a murder around
1940. I don't think it was ever solved. Bad Memory. My Pop was
an avid fisherman. Me Too. Fished in and around White City Lake.
I think the Mansion's occupants were named Chauncey Abrams.
These things were popping in my head about three o'clock this
morning. I seemed to have thoughts of the street having
Scammel's Pottery Deutsville was on the left a little past
Liberty Street. It's been years since I've in Trenton, so I'm not
sure of the streets.
Schools: Cousin Mae went to a school around 'Emory, maybe she
will remember later. The triangle of Cummings Avenue and West
Street at one time was a movie house. It became a storage place
for slot machines and an intruder was shot inside. I think he died.
I went to Immaculate Conception Grammar School and Trenton Catholic
Boy's High School. 1935-1939. Priests were teachers in the high
school; Nuns in grammar. Even though it was during Depression,
we were neatly dressed, even if our mothers had to sew a patch
on a piece of clothing. I have graduation picture of eight grade
and quite a fair list of names of the students. Freshman year of
High was coed. High School was being built behind Nun's quarters.
2nd year they took our girls away and sent them to St. Mary's
Cathedral. During my time on the Trenton (TNJFD) there was an
Extra Alarm fire in the Church. One of our Chiefs, Dovgala,
sister died in the fire, (Not completly centain) and I think a
Priest jumped out of an upper floor window, and sustained
injuries. Being from Eng. Co. 6 of Olden & Walnut Aves., our
company was 3rd. alarm. Eng 6: Old Bldg. One time some kind
of City or Town Hall. Was a Volunteer Fire House before becoming
part of the City. I have a picture of the Crew standing outside
about the 1920's. I was admitted to Eng. 6, Jan. 1, 1951, on day
shift, then on night shift in which we responded to a smokey fire
on Greenwood Ave., I think about the 1000 block, across from the
Greenwood Theater. Knocking down the fire on the 3rd floor was
smokey and I was burping smoke for days after. My good acting
captain, "Soup" Campbell, told me to get down near the floor,
which I learned quickly. I returned on Day Shift and told him
I didn't think I'd make a good fireman because of the burping.
He said that it was usual and he had it too. I later became the
Driver of the 1929 American La France Triple Combination, Pumper.
We later got a more up to date Engine as the City became concious
of our Antiquity. Fire Dept. stories could go on and on, but we
were always proud of the fact that we were helping people. Yes,
much of the time we played chess or cards (no $) or watched TV.
And Really, people should be thankful, at least then lives were
not in danger. We had some Good Cooks, (not me). We did house
work besides taking care of equipment. Being Driver I even had
to use a creeper and clean the undercarriage of the pumper.
Doing so, I was surprised to see that the Pumper was "Made in
Germany" engraved on it. Each company took turns at " Drill
School ". Have a "Good Night", and let me know what you would
consider the best kind of the "Burg" John

This is great John:)
Thanks again and God Bless The Old Burg:)

1 comment:

TheSkipper said...

Thanks and like a TFD or PD report all to the point and no fat!