Monday, March 22, 2010

1127 South Clinton Avenue, The Burg

1127 South Clinton Avenue, The Burg
Once upon a time this was Bambach's Specialty Shop
(Women's Clothes).
This building has a bit of an Art Deco flavor and looks
John Bohn mentions his Dad had a Tailor Shop here once
long ago:)


Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Mack: This looks like the same store that my brother Lou ran called Central Radio in the 30s. It looks like it was renovated and was next door to Dr. Levine and across the street from Urken and Kohn's. A barber shop also was on the other side. This was a long time ago and I could be mistaken. Regards.

Mack said...

Hi Ralph:)
This is a cool looking building:)