Ralph Lucarella Wrote:
Hi Mack: We had the opportunity to visit Casandrino, Italy
three times while our daughter was employed by Delta Airlines.
The town is right outside Naples and next to Grumo. My mother's
family, the DeCarlos came from Casandrino while my father's
family came from Grumo. Many people in Chambersburg were born
in that area of Italy. We were there one year while the feast
of the Madonna Di Casandrino was being celebrated. They enact
the feast with the ox pulling the Madonna through the town just
like the original. Our relatives, the DeCarlos, are very active
in the church and they showed us all the features of the feast.
The Rev. Gervasio's mother is a DiCarlo and is related to my
grandmother. Many of the streets in Casandrino are named after
families in the Burg.
Thank You Ralph. This is so good I made it a post:)
Hi Mack: Thanks for the comments about Casandrino. Not to long ago my mother spent 3 months there with a lot of people from Saint Joachims. They went over aboard the Leonardo DaVinci and ran into a bad huricane on the way back. I was glad I had the chance to visit Italy while she was still here. She stayed with the DeCarlos and really enjoyed the visit. Regards, Ralph
Ralph...my family is also from Cassendrino. I didn't have much luck finding any D'Angelo's when we went to visit several years ago...although I know there still must be family there. We did see the church and meet the priest and found the street where my Grandfather was born. Also, saw one of the buildings that my grandfather helped to build!
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