Folks used to gather outside on the front porch when the
weather was nice enough and after supper sit outside and
chat. I remember some folks having foldable aluminum lawchairs
they would bring outside..sometimes a small radio might be
on to hear the Yankee game..there might be a beanbag ashtray
on the arm of the lawnchair. Remember?
HI Mack: They were the days before TV. It would happen often when Joe Louis was fighting or the World Series was playing. I recall gathering around City Hall also during the World Series. It seems that neighbors were much more involved in special events before TV, especially in Chambersburg and also before air conditioning. Sitting on the porches were very popular in those days.
An electric fam (if you had one) could only do so much in the hot Burg summers. Many of us spent the evenings out on the stoop to watch the traffic go by and chat with the neighbors. It seemed cooler out front with the traffic and the noise than out back in the yard. You could also catch the waffle or ice cream truck or listen to the blind brothers with their hurdy gurdy when they came by.
Before these metal chairs we had wooden folding chairs, or you dragged out chairs from the dining room.
Do you remember that many of the elder Burg women would roll their stockings down to the knees to help in cooling off whileout on the stoop?
how about using a lawn chair to save your parking spot after diggin it out of the snow!
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