Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Gino Formaroli's Facebook Group : Old Washington Schoolyard, Trenton, NJ

Gino Formaroli's Facebook Group : Old Washington Schoolyard,
Trenton, NJ

Please check out this Facebook Group. This is the park or
playground on Emory Avenue and Roebling Avenue. Today
known as Agabiti Park.


Rosemary said...

this isn't the playground I grew up with..lol..I lived right across the street and it was dirt and fenced in. this is nice..!

Mack said...

Hi Rosemary:)
Yes indeed this was your
I remember how many folks use
to outside during summer around
here..I also remember some folks
used folding aluminum lawnchairs
that they brought outside when
sitting around the front porch
yapping about everything in my
Burg day:)

Tom Pass said...

I spent a long hot summer there back in the day as City of Trenton Recreation Assistant. Kids were great though.

SJBill said...

The old Chambersburg Poultry Market is dead center across the street.

Tom, if you were one of the Recreation Assistants, I was possibly one of the kids. I spent a lot of time at this park on the swings and at Harrison School on the old merry-go-round.

Tom Pass said...

More than likely, you were one of the kids at park. Brings back good memories for me.

Tom Pass said...
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Rosemary said...

Mack, I was making a 'funny'..I knew that was the same playground.lol Tom, what years did you 'work' there? For me, as a child, it would have been mid 50's. We moved to Hamilton in 1959. I remember those wooden swings and standing as I tried to get as high as I could. Well, guess whose foot slipped while trying to sit? Yeah, surprised nothing got broken! Then I remember the metal glider near the swings. While sitting and 'gliding', the inside of my knee got 'pinched' by the bolt in motion. Nasty bruise on that one...Funny, these kids today don't know what they are missing with all the child protected play equiptment...hahahahaha

Tom Pass said...


I think it was 1962.

brando said...

i was one of the kids at old washington...late 60's - mid-late 70s

JoeB said...

I was one of the "kids" that attended Washington School on that property in 1936.