Canio (Tony) Sbarro
The Man who gave us Casino Italian Hot Dogs.
The Legendary Burg Eatery at 15 Anderson Street known
so well and missed by so many people.
Burg Royalty.
A Blog about the Chambersburg area of Trenton NJ. The Burg we all loved and miss. If you were from the Burg I hope many of the pictures and lists and comments under them from good folks bring back some nice memories. Villa Park, Franklin Park, South Trenton, and nearby Hamilton also mentioned. Use the search box atop the blog to find schools,churches,streets,stores,bars etc that you remember. Over 4000 posts and 3000 pics. Enjoy:)
Hi Mack: I believe Tony had a shoemaker shop there and he and his son Ernie turned the place into the Casino hot dog restuarant. I was going to Hamilton School at the time, which was next door and now is Roma Savings. There was an alley in between with garages. Gino Macaroni latter got involved and along with Ernie turned the operation into one of the best businesses in the Burg.
Nothing like a movie at the Park Theater followed by a Casino hotdog. My dad would pick up "fish and chips" at the Casino every Friday night. What a treat!
Mack, thank you for the kind words about my grandfather and the picture of him. He was a Burg immigrant, who from nothing but a vision and fortitude was able to successfully start and operate three businesses: Casino, Woodlawn Swimming Pool and Paradise Swimming Club. He was a wonderful man know as "Tony Goes" to many. Hey Tom, Fish and chips for a buck. When I worked there, I couldn't believe how many of these we sold Fridays.
We never referred to the restaurant as Casino and only as "Tony Goes". Spent plenty of time in that joint during high school years. Hard to believe $1 for great fish and chips. Met my first wife at the Paradise so not sure if that is good or bad...
The hot dogs at Woodlawn Pool only came with yellow mustard. What was up with that? ;-)
Seriously, that's probably all we kids could afford. After eating the hot dog we waited for an hour before going back into the water or we'd die from cramps.
I love the Casino when I leved in the Burg. It was a great hang out after school, especially when it was too cold to go the distance to S. Clinton Ave.
Woodlawn Pool in Hamilton was within bike range, so a lot of us went there in Summers.
Paradise Smim club was the place to be out on the Brinswick Pike. Our family went with Jimmie and Lois from Brown's Novelty.
All were solid businesses that were very well run.
Finally, whooda thunk hotdogs peppers, potatoes and mustard went together outside the Burg? A masterpiece was created!
God Bless your Grandpa Vince:)
And I knew other folks would have
nice things to say too:)
if there was a 'burg food hall of fame...
casino dogs would certainly be included
Hi Vince and Tom,
Back in the day, I was able to get chits to get out of class for myself and band members. We would hang out at the Casino, enjoy the dogs then head down the shore.
Those were the days!
I worked at the Paradise swim club as a lifeguard when the Pagnani brothers owned it. Never got paid.
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