Friday, November 13, 2009

202 Columbus Avenue, Villa Park

202 Columbus Avenue, Villa Park
An interior photograph of what was once used as the
Knights of Columbus Hall back in the day:)


JoeZ said...

Mack: I was a member did they move to another location?

JoeB said...

Council 355 Knights of Columbus sold the present location and now is meeting at St. Joachim's Church.
The Grand Knight is Gino Malone.

JoeZ said...

Thanks Joe, Gino was a Grand Knight when I belonged there at one time I think.

Tom Pass said...

That was formerly a church and I think the Pastor's name was Thompson back in 50's.

JoeB said...

Tom Pass:
Joe you are right, Gino was the Grand Knight before and is now starting to regroup the Council.
Tom, yes you are correct it was a church before the Knights brought the building.