Saturday, September 12, 2009

Part of The Roebling Factory Complex on Hamilton Avenue in the 1970s, The Burg

Part of The Roebling Factory Complex on Hamilton Avenue
in the 1970s, The Burg:)


brando said...

this scene was along my path to and from sacred heart school in the '70s.

see the traffic light hanging above the street near the center of the picture?

the light stopped traffic to allow forklifts carrying wire rope to cross hamilton ave. the forklifts ran between the two buildings all day long.

JoeB said...

If I remember correctly wasn't there a small bucket, or something like that) that traveled from one side of the side to the other side of the street also?

brando said...

i am not sure if i remember any buckets. but, there may have been other types of small vehicles that transported materials between the buildings.

as you know, the building on the right is no longer there. the soverign bank arena occupies the site.

i think(???) that some of the bricks from the razed building were used in the facade of tha arena.