Monday, September 21, 2009

Jimmie Delorenzo & Joe Dimaggio

Jimmie Delorenzo & Joe Dimaggio
Jimmies Camera Shop on Hudson Street was a Burg Legend.
Speaking of Legends..why its Jimmie Delorenzo with
Joe Dimaggio. How lucky we were to be from a neighborhood
that had so many great folks like Jimmie and his family:)


Ralph Lucarella said...

It's me again: Joe D must of had a thing about the Burg. He also was in Rossi's on Morris Ave. While we lived in Lauderdale, Fla. he and Mickey Mantle used to play golf at Sunrise Country Club. Frank Agabiti and I played in front of them and some other Yankees when the Yankees trained in Lauderdale. That was in 1963.

Mack said...

Dimaggio was a God to us Burg
folks as was Frank:)