900 Chestnut Avenue, The Burg
The corner of Chestnut Avenue and Cummings Avenue.
Salmandra Liquor Store for decades before my Burg
Day and in my Burg Day. Its something else now.
A place passed by on foot or on a bike on in a car
countless times in days long ago:)
Hi Mack: One of the many times that we visited Trenton since we left, we stayed at our friend's house just down the street from Salmandra's. And I went nuts trying to find a parking place. You ride around the neighborhood looking and most of the times I ended up parking in the lot across the street from Salmandra. One of the things Mercerville had over the Burg is room to park. Regards, Ralph
Hi Ralph:)
So true, and your house on
Marshall Avenue in Mercerville
is about 1 block from where I
live now. On the other hand
if you worked in the Burg and lived
in the Burg, you didnt even need
a car back in the day:)
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