559 Emory Avenue, The Burg
The corner of Emory Avenue and Washington Street.
Once upon a time this was The Emory Cafe.
This is a new picture of this I took yesterday:)
Tom Pass also notes:
My father was born and raised just 3 doors down from
the Emory Cafe. Some sports enthusiasts may remember
the late Mincy Manczak who also lived there after
marrying my dad's youngest sister.
Hi Mack: I'd like to tell Tom that I'm one who remembers Mincy Manczak. Johnny played during my era and was one of the players that I admired. He was one of a group of players from around St, Mary's Greek Catholic that played outstanding ball. He and George(Shorty) Nemchick, Peanuts Vranchik and the Mikarski brothers were others in that group. Regards, Ralph
Hi Ralph:)
I see George Nemchik is eligable
for the Soccer Hall of Fame and
played on the US Olympic Soccer
Team in 1936 as well as being an
All-American Basketball Player for
Temple University:)
Hey Ralph,
Thanks for reference to my Uncle Mince.
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