Monday, December 29, 2008

Diamonds 132 Kent Street, The Burg

132 Kent Street, The Burg. Once Diamonds Restaurant
back in the day. A Burg site must have this :)


Anonymous said...

If I'm not mistaken Didamonds was on Kent St. I think it was called the Kent Cafe years ago.


Saxman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mack said...

You are not mistaken SC.
It's mislableled and I will fix it
now. I am smacking myself here
of course its Kent. Thanks for
pointing it out:)

Anonymous said...

Your welcome, Mack. By the way, I think Diamonds was over rated. Too crowded and I didn't think the food was that good.


Saxman said...

Man....I need to take a memory course! Of course Diamonds was not on Fulton was BOSTON"S..fergetaboutit.....

Anonymous said...

My wife and I loved LaGondola, my wife knew Angelo's wife from Motor Vechicles when she worked there. Always gracious hosts and great food. Made a great Shrimp Scampi over toast points and a good veal parm sandwich at the bar. The bartender was sharpie too, Jerry the Gip.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Joe Z about LaGondola, the food was really good. I would rather eat there than Diamonds.


Anonymous said...

I think Diamonds was called "the Little Spot", when I was in Immaculate. They used to come in and hand out pencils to us kids. Mr Gianinni the school janitor was related to the owner at the time. He was also related to the people who had the penny candy store on Chestnut and Roebling across from Trionfetti's.

Anonymous said...

Barb P,

I think the Little Spot was on Cummings Ave. Diamonds was the Kent Cafe before it was Diamonds.

Barbara SC

Anonymous said...

You're right Barb, Thanks. Took a ride by there the other day. Time and change is dimming the memory. Sometimes its easier to remember places as they were, when you don't have to watch them change. Since mom and dad are gone, I only go into Trenton to work (as an appraiser for Roma Bank) and to stop in Porfiros.