Chianti's, 701 Whittaker Avenue, The Burg.
A Blog about the Chambersburg area of Trenton NJ. The Burg we all loved and miss. If you were from the Burg I hope many of the pictures and lists and comments under them from good folks bring back some nice memories. Villa Park, Franklin Park, South Trenton, and nearby Hamilton also mentioned. Use the search box atop the blog to find schools,churches,streets,stores,bars etc that you remember. Over 4000 posts and 3000 pics. Enjoy:)
Last time I was in Chianti, we sat with Mr and Mrs Russo, about a week before Mikey was killed by Johnny "Stale" Stillitano. Mikey had just bought the old was it the Botal Inn? on Roebling and Chambers and was redoing it into a restaurant/bar. Johnny Stale and I had the identical '76 Olds Toronado and I was either being stopped by police or was looking over my shoulder waiting to get shot. The Burg takes care of it's own
It was Frank that was involved in the shooting, not his brother John.
You're right, Tom, it was Frankie and not Johnny, and then they took care of him, didn't they. Did he really think he was going to get away with killing Mr. Russo's son. Oh, and the place on Roebling and Chambers was called Peroni's and it was bought by Dino and Penny. Penny was Mickey's sister and Mr. Rosso's daughter, if I'm not mistaken and the called it Penny's. Dino was a hairdresser and had a shop in Ewing Twp. years ago. I went to school with his brother Jimmy DiMateo (not sure of the spelling?).
Sorry guys, I know it was Frankie, I used to take Johnny to work at the State Library with me, he never had a car. The mind fades.... What was it called before Peroni's?
I think it was the Botal Inn before it was Peroni's. Got that from my brother-in-law.
Walk up Whittaker toward Chestnut and your at Domestic Laundry.
This was Heil's Bar back in the fifties. Heil's bowling Alley was connected and burnt down in 1964.
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