Monday, January 2, 2012

Trenton Trolley Tokens

Trenton Trolley Tokens

Trolleys sure look cool in pictures but our Ralph says
they were loud. But once upon a time they came down
many Burg streets:)


Anonymous said...

They used to sell bust tokens like that I believe in the office of every school as student tokens at a reduced rate. They looked almost the same but said Trenton Transit.

Those were the days. Bored during the summer, we would sometimes take a bus and see how far we could ride on the paper transfer slips they handed out for free.

The trolleys were gone when I was a kid but the tracks were always present.


Mack said...

Hi Skip. Buses were FREE for a while in my teenage years..some sort of program to increase ridership. It was cool:)

Barb P said...

When you lived on a main bus line, like So Broad, the world was your oyster. All you needed was a token and a transfer and it seemed like you could go anywhere. Another great thing was that you could take the Clinton St (why do all us Burg people call Clinton Avenue, Clinton Street?), Roebling Ave or White Horse bus and walk a few blocks to home, or if your got desperate, take the Public Service bus to Grand St and get off at the Cigar Factory, but don't fall asleep and miss that stop or your next stop was Camden then Philly.