Friday, December 2, 2011

South Clinton Avenue 1948, The Burg

South Clinton Avenue 1948, The Burg


Vince said...

Mack: this pic brings back memories. It reminds me of the first car I bought in "62". A 1947 blue Plymouth coupe. Cost me $25..those were the days. I guess my dad felt bad for me and bought me a new MG Roadster two years later.

Mack said...

Hi Vince:)
MG's rock !

Tom Pass said...

In 1964, I purchased a '62 MGA Mark II. Loved that car...

Vince said...

Mack & Tom, actually it was an MG B Roadster with electric overdive (5th gear) gezzz a loved that car. Then got married and that was the end of that! But I know, we all still Rock. Wishing all of you Happy, Healthy and safe Holidays!