Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mr Anthony Coppola, Chemistry Teacher, Trenton High

Mr Anthony Coppola, Chemistry Teacher, Trenton High

A nice man and a good teacher. The Trenton High Science
Department of my days of the late 1970s was very good:)


SJBill said...

Mr. Coppola was my first Health Class and Phys Ed teacher at Junior Four, back in the late fifties. He also coached the Tumbling Team (where I distinguished myself by easily being the least coordinated).

He became a very good friend after he changed over to being a Sciences teacher at THS. We were enrolled in the same Organic Chemistry class at Rider College in the early 70s. Dr. Gerry Kent's course was the toughest of our academic careers, and it required the particapnts come together for after-hours group study. Lots of coffee kept us all going.

I hear he passed on at an early age. Very sorry to hear that as he was a great guy.

Mike said...

Looks like Gary Nath to me.He taught chem at TCH the same time .

Anonymous said...

I think Mr. Coppola had a bit less hair than the fellow in the picture.


SJBill said...

Could be, but didn't know Gary Nath. Tony Copolla had a bit more arm and a more angular jaw, IIRC.

Will have to did out a Junior Four pic of him.

Tom Pass said...

Not Gary Nath or Tony. I was teaching at THS in '70 and the fellow looks familiar but do not recall the name.

Tom Pass said...
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Mack said...

This picture is obviously the Mr Coppola of my Trenton High days. This is how his hair looked. I am mystified at the hair comment. This is how his hair looked. Perhaps there was another Mr Coppola??

Tom Pass said...

That is it! It is John Coppola. Worked with him at THS.

Anonymous said...

I knew both Cappolas in the 1960s at THS and this photo doesn't look at all like I remember either man.
But could be wrong.

Tom Pass said...

Now you have me thinking. I know for sure it is not Tony though.