Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bruce Lloyd, Trenton High Science Department

Bruce Lloyd, Trenton High Science Department

Mr Lloyd was part of the excellent Trenton High Science
Department of my days and is part of the family that
owned the Thatcher-Lloyd Funeral Home.


Vince said...

Mack, Great pic of Bruce. I have been fortunate to have him as a friend since Jr Four. Because of your blog I have been reunited with a few other good school friends, Bob Reck and Barbara Pierro. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

Bob Reck said...

I too have been united with old friends from THS, including Vince Sbarro, Tom Pass, Paul Carney, George Papp, Kathy Gietz and Bruce Lloyd. Mack, you've done a great service for all of us.

Tom Pass said...

Also worked with Bruce and knew his family fairly well. As Vince and Bob said, this has been a great blog and has reunited a few long time friends.

Mack said...

Thank you all. Its an honor walking down Burg Memory Lane with all of you:)