Quakerbridge Mall Day On The Burg Blog
Today is Quakerbridge Mall Day On The Burg Blog.
Not all items on this blog are going to apply for
every Burg generation and so I anticipate comments
about Downtown Trenton and how great it was from
some folks and that is wonderful..but for most of
the folks from my Burg era, Quakerbridge Mall sorta
was our "Downtown". We hung out. We spent many
seasons doing Christmas shopping here. Many of us
had jobs here at one time or another. The Jerry
Lewis Telethon was part of the mall each Labor
Day weekend. We saw movies here. We ate at many
of the cool food places. We shopped at the record
stores and book stores and gift shops. A nice place
to do things and meet friends. When a place is
familiar to so so many Burg folks as this was, it
qualifies as a Burg item. I hope you all like the
5 years ago
Quakerbridge Mall was a nice place to shop under one roof. There was nothing like shopping downtown Trenton around Christmas time, crowded stores, the smell of hot dogs and of course Mr. Peanut store, waiting for buses and freezing your butt. It was all fun and good memories.
Well, it was never in my genes or jeans to be a shopper so I was not a Mall kind of guy.
The only store I went into was Hermans which was sadly the old Capitol Sporting on Olden, sold to a corporate mega chain. Joe Lombardo and "Spongie" still worked there but the personal touch was gone.
I think we lost more with the Mall than we gained, just my opinion. I could tell you the owner of every store in our neighborhood but in the Mall?
Hi Joe & Skip.
Yes this is a generation specific item. Most of my generation are like me here and its logical if you think about it, we dont really miss what we never had. Downtown memories are nice to read but dont really apply to us:)
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