Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sunrise on Morris Avenue, The Burg

Sunrise on Morris Avenue, The Burg
At this time of the year we might be springing from one
of these houses over to Atantic Mills to go school
shopping in days of old:)


Anonymous said...

Back to school at Notre Dame meant you were looking for sport coats. Trenton High was a bit more relaxed since you weren't burdened with a jacket and tie.

How about this for back to school shopping?

Who remembers the old Trenton Sportswear factory and outlet on Olden at the foot of the bridge by Saint Joe's. You could see the ladies making the clothes too at that plant or the one on Brunswick and Heil. I remember getting a way cool "shark skin suit" there.

Mostly it was the bargain basement at the stores downtown and they all had them. Dunhams, Lits or Nevius Voorhees. For those with money it was one of the Donnelly shops (there were two though not related George and FW?), Eton and one on Broad that escapes me. And what of the ever present Robert Hall?

Happiness was escaping the "Husky" section.

Husky Skip

Anonymous said...

Baxter, that was the one on Olden and Trenton Sportswear was on Brunswick and Heil.

Sorry Mack .. your back to school comment sent my mind racing all over town.

It is so hard to imagine Trenton as a place where they made what you wore. The TS place was a tool and die before they made clothes, it was later to become the Fuld School of Nursing.