Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Song We Sang In Mrs Rothstein's Class, Franklin School

A Song We Sang In Mrs Rothstein's Class, Franklin School
This would have been the early 1970s. I wonder if any of
you knew it:

School days, school days
Dear old golden rule days
Readin' and 'ritin' and 'rithmetic
Taught to the tune of the hickory stick
You were my queen in calico
I was your bashful barefoot beau
And you wrote on my slate
"I love you, so"
When we were a couple of kids

OK The hickory stick line kinda scares me lol, but I
remember the tune exactly:)


JoeZ said...

Mack: I checked this song was composed in 1907 and reflects on the lives of a man and woman who were friends and remembering the good old days.

Vince said...

Very interesting Joe, thats for the info and thanks for the memories Mack.

Mack said...

Hi JoeZ and Vince:)
Wow 1907. Two other songs I remember we sang were "You're a
grand old flag" and "My country tis of thee". :)

Anonymous said...

The first time I felt the old hickory stick was in the Martin Lipinski Aud of Saint Hedwigs. Kindergarten and on my backside for dropping my wand during the "Bubble Dance". Joe, you witnessed this so don't deny it. About 1953.

BTW, the operation was useless and recovery was not easy. A rough row to hoe. But thanks for asking a month ago.


All the Saint Hedwig nuns had them and except for Sister Angelica they used them. Honuarta, Emily Ann. Joe knows em?

JoeZ said...

Mack and Skip: Skip nice to have you back hope all is coming along well, Sorry to hear about the operation. The "RULER" ruled at St. Hedwig's. I like Sister Honuarta she and I got along fine. Do you remember a Sister Gabriel, my mom had her at Holy Cross when she went to school.