Wednesday, May 4, 2011

23 Bayard Street, The Burg

23 Bayard Street, The Burg
Saint Joachims's Elementary School.
What a nice looking ole building this is..and I got
the picture on a clear blue sky summer sunday afternoon:)

Ralph Lucarella adds...
Hi Mack: This is where I went for catachism classes when
I was pretty young and starting to get my communion. I
still feel the sting of the ruler from Nuns who were all
business and did'nt put up with fooling around. Father
Palombi was in charge and he was just as firm. The kids
today would be more respectful if the public schools
were just as firm. Regards,

Tom Pass adds..
I also attended every Monday in preparation for First
Communion and Confirmation. Nuns always seemed to
anticipate arrival of the public school "heathens". More
than one Monday, I was told to kneel on bean bags in
atonement for my "sins". Good news was canoli from
Landolfi's or fresh hot bread from Colonial Bakery
on way home.

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