Friday, April 29, 2011

My First Paper Route, Morris Avenue, The Burg

My First Paper Route, Morris Avenue, The Burg
I delivered the Trentonian in the middle 1970s here.
Long ago the Trentonian was the morning paper and the
Trenton Times was the afternoon paper. Some folks had
afternoon paper routes. Not me. I had 2 paper routes both
with the Trentonian. This one and one that went down
Liberty Street in Villa Park ending on Redfern Street.
We were given a bright orange cloth bag with the word
Trentonian on it. We had a hole puncher and cards on a
big metal ring for collecting. I collected on fridays
and sometimes saturdays too. I walked with the bag over
my shoulders to do my Burg paper route except on Sundays
when the paper was too big, so I used a shopping cart.
A quiet shopping cart.. no squeaky wheels to wake up the
neighborhood on a sunday morning. I almost always used
a bike for the Villa Park paper route as that was a
much greater distance to cover. I remember having a coffee
while waiting for the Trentonian truck to drop the papers
off in front of my house. The little metal band around
the papers had be removed, then they got folded, then
I did my walk in the quiet of a Burg at 5:45 AM , I
did not rush and so was usually back home by 6:25 AM.
I don't even know if they have paperboys anymore, do they?
I won a trip to Great Adventure from the Trentonian by
getting new customers. A nice thing for the paper to do
for us. I delivered papers for the money, but now I see
the quiet peaceful morning walks in the Burg long ago
remain as fond memories worth far more than money:)

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