Monday, April 25, 2011

Cook Outs And The Iron Law of Soda

Burg folks might go to Cook Out's in many local places both
public and private. I remember cook out's at Washington's
Crossing State Park, and my Uncle Art's Home on Heath Street
in Ewing (That hill, Deli Delight !).
I love the taste of Burgers HotDogs Chicken Ribs ..anything
cooked over a Charcoal Grill.
Somebody was "the grill expert" at all these shindigs.
There could be a game of quoits. Someone's dog might chase
a frisbee. Somebody's baby might be crying. Some folks
might wear sunglasses. A game of softball might be played
or whiffleball. And If you wanted Soda you had better get it
as soon as possible or you would have to put your hand
way down into the ice to get diet-onion-lime or whatever
was left that nobody wanted:))


JoeZ said...

I hated putting my hand in that ice and grabbing a soda and it was always a diet orange.

brando said...

yeah..."onion-lime" was the pits!!! LOL!!!