Monday, April 25, 2011

803 Liberty Street, The Burg.

803 Liberty Street, The Burg.
Once upon a time this was Dinger Brothers Iron Works
across the Alley (McCabe Alley) from Liberty Deli.
We lived across the street from this. They once had
a big fire and it melted a bit of vinyl siding on a
few homes on the block but was mostly otherwise
contained. At the time of the fire I was walking
back from the river. As we gradually headed toward
my home I surmised it was Dinger Brothers and was
worried about all the folks on our block. It all
turned out OK. Dinger Brothers needed permission
from the local neighbors to rebuild and everyone
signed a petition in support of them. They rebuilt
and had many successful years here afterward:)


JoeZ said...

Hi Mack: Hope you and your family had a great Easter. Dinger Brothers passed that place many times. When my Dad's place of work closed once, he got a job at Dinger Brothers, but had to quit could not understand one word they were saying. Good for him he started with the Governor's Mansion in Princeton the following week.

Mack said...

Hi JoeZ :)
Happy Easter to you and your loved ones as well:)
The Governors Mansion in Princeton was built in 1835 and is huge.. I can see that as a full time job for a bunch of folks to keep up:)