Friday, March 18, 2011

950 Quinton Avenue, Villa Park

950 Quinton Avenue, Villa Park
Once upon a time this was Ye Old Owl Roost Grocery.

Update: panucchi said...

Hey Mack...great shot....I didn't know it use to be a
corner store, but in the late 60's and early 70's, we
use to hang on those was a beauty salon at
that time, and we started every evening from those steps
....those were the days...the boys included Jimmy Hann,
John Ziggy Zigrand, Joey Ragazzo, Benny Falseti, me,
Frank Pinto, Bob Opacki, and many others.....
Vince Radice, and the other officers would pull up in
the paddy wagon, tell us to move on, and as soon as they
left, we would be right back.......good memories, back
when Trenton was a great place to live.

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