Monday, March 28, 2011

587 South Clinton Avenue, The Burg

587 South Clinton Avenue, The Burg
Once upon a time this was Imbalzano's Barber Shop.
Note a Roebling Factory water tower in the picture:)

UPDATE: A FB Chat about Imbalzano's Barber Shop

Gary DalCorso :Is Joe Imbalzano alive? He was a funny,
fantastic guy. He asked me once if I wanted my sideburns.
I said, "yes." He said, "stick out your hand." I did. He cut
them off with his shaver and handed them to me. What could
I do? I was maybe 14....

Mike Brandolino: joe imbalzano (mc gurk) is not longer
with us.....i went there too $3 for a haircut!!!

Gary DalCorso :A great guy...

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