Tuesday, December 28, 2010

You Know You Are From Jersey When.

You Know You Are From Jersey When.

You've known the way to Seaside Heights since you were 7.
You've eaten at a diner when you were stoned or drunk, at 3am
Whenever you park, there's a Camaro within 3 spots of you.
You know how to properly negotiate a Circle
You knew that the last question had to do with driving.
You've never pumped your own gas
You say "water" weird. (Wooder, Cawfee, Dowg, wadever)
You know its "Great Adventure" not "Six Flags".
You know ACME is a supermarket,not just a WarnerBros creation.
You remember that the "Two Guys" were from Harrison..
you know the only people who call it "Joisey" are from NY
you know where highway 9 is from that Bruce Springsteen song.
You know who Uncle Floyd Vivino is
You have paid a toll with a hook shot from the passenger side.
You know the difference between a "tomato pie" and a "pizza"
You know the legend of the jersey devil
You've woken up early to watch a sunrise on the Jersey shore.
You get three 50's in a row when you play skeeball.
Your high school hangout was the mall.
You can't believe MTV went to Seaside Heights
You know New Years is about the Mummers and Polar Bear club
You know the names of the three Pep Boys


Anonymous said...

When you say "down the shore."
When you think a jug handle is normal.

Jerry Foley

Noel Vento said...

You know how good porkroll is.

JoeZ said...


Mack said...

Hi Jerry Noel & JoeZ.

When you know Lucky Leos and
Maruca's are at Seaside.

When you remember that big porch
with rocking chairs as you entered
the game room that had a jukebox
at Metedeconk.

Anonymous said...

Tomato Pie (caps please to show proper respect), is pretty much a Trenton only phenomena. Except for the boardwalk, you get some funny looks when you order "a pie".

Going to a movie at the Olden and then deciding between Louie's or Maruca's a Saturday night. It was tough back in the 50's.

It was an uphill walk to Maruca's or Louie's, both ways.
