Many Moons Ago We Were MudMen
We used to like to play football in Franklin Park but we often
played on a side field which had trees around it. This lead to
some folks kicking the football into trees. We had to use a
baseball or a branch to get it down. If you kicked it into
the trees a few times nobody wanted you to kick off anymore.
Football in the mud or snow was even better.
There we were, walking home after football down McCabe
Alley..walking Mud Creatures.
There is that Alaskan Huskey in somebody's yard.
And our clothes cleaned themselves like magic..just throw
them in the hamper and the next day they are clean
and back in our rooms....
Well except for our sneakers...we had to clean them
ourselves.... a travesty !!! We had to rinse them in the
sink and then put them in the dryer..and you would
hear that cla-clonk sound as they bounced around in
the dryer for an hour.
Then my Grandma would say sensible things like
"Don't drink the Soda, its for Supper" and
"Don't throw the cups".
But Grandma was so sweet, if you asked nicely
you could have soda anyway. Mudcreatures get thirsty
Anon adds...........
I remember that side field. Many a memory of playing
football and frisbee football there too. The trees
played havoc and I remember actually running into one
of them. The tree made a good blocker for the other team!
5 years ago
Mack: We played football inside the Brunswick Circle lawn area one year. Touch football we played on Pine St. and the point after was a kick over the telephone lines. By granny's house we played on the lawn of the Cigar Factory. Good old days.
Hi Joe:)
Kids will find places if any are possible, they are resourceful:))
We would play on the field by the river at the base of Lalor St. Large TCH crowd, no holds barred football. The bloodier the better.
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