Junior Four Teachers List 1973
Mr Krajak, Mrs Harris, Miss Jackson, Mrs Fabe, Mrs Shaefer,
Mr Buttich, Mr Ong, Mrs Pocino, Mr Lewis, Ms Barnett,
Mr Marra, Mrs Nath, Ms Nero, Mr Zoda, Mrs Fink, Mrs Ronca,
Ms Papp, Mr Chiarello, Mrs Heany, Miss Lavine, Miss
Barclay, Mr Simpson, Mr Cicale, Mr Bloomingdale.
I add Sam Cortina was Principal and Mrs Mule was a
guidence councilor.
5 years ago
Below is a brief list of some of the teachers I remember from 1973 and what class they taught.
Mrs. Harris - English
Miss. Jackson - English
Mrs. Schaefer - Reading
Mr. Lewis - Science
Mrs. Nath - English
Mrs. Heany - Typing
Mr. Bloomingdale - Social Studies
Mr. Buttich - Social Studies
Al Phillips, Junior Four 73-76
Mr Lewis really had a fun sense of humor...remember him shaking his head and whistling if someone said something he thought was silly.
Mr Buttich played guitar in class a few times and was good.
Our Reading class was broken into 2, first half Mrs Schaefer second half Mrs Fabe.
Mr Bloomingdale once caught me slamming a bunch of lockers shut and just stood there and stared as I slowed down until the final ones were closed gently by me, then noddled his head and continued down the hall. It was one of those things that was funny as hell if you were there. Ah the life of kids.
I had Miss Jackson for homeroom,
she really was a pleasant personality:)
I had Miss Jackson also for homeroom in 8th grade, 8B back in 1974, she was nice.
Here's some other teachers to the list:
Mr. Clark - Math
Mr. Smith - Gym Teacher
Mr. Wah - Gym Teacher
Mr. Partika - Gym Teacher
Mrs. Seben - Music
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