Thursday, August 26, 2010

A List of Masonary Contractors in the Burg Area in the 1950s:

A List of Masonary Contractors in the Burg Area in the 1950s:

Paul Carucci 224 Tindall, Charles DeAngelo 470 Lynwood,
Michael DiPalvere 269 Lynwood, Frank Divietro 128 Bayard,
Ed Ellis 264 South Logan, John Lencsis 737 Beatty, Michael
Miceli 1074 Franklin, Miller Masons 23 Hobart, Alex Petrino
115 Division Street, Vince Petrosky 2021 Liberty, Joseph
Rotunda 223 Emory, Casmiero Salzano 741 William, Anthony
Sanverdine 115 Bayard, Michael Solimando 238 Elmer, Fred
Strelec 1419 Genesee, Anthony Valetto 727 Division.


Anonymous said...

Out of the Navy in the early 70's I worked for Joe and Charlie Rotunda and I think a relative, Russ Palmucci that had a masonry business.


Mack said...

Hi Skip:)
I think my younger brothers and
sisters had a Miss Rotunda as a
teacher but I forget what school.