Thursday, August 19, 2010

Harrison School 6th Grade Class 1955

Harrison School 6th Grade Class 1955
Thanks for this great picture Paul.

Paul(Sax) adds..

This is my 1955 6th grade class from good old Harrison School…..
where dodge-ball was King of the playground!
The innocence before the wickedness of………uh, uh……….Junior High
School #4…………


JoeZ said...

Mack and Sax: Spotted ya Sax, front row, third from the right. Nice pictures.

Mack said...

Hi Joe:)
This is the last year of Harrison School (2010) thus making memories
of it even more precious.

Saxman said...

Front Row (l to r)
George Mikolas
Charles (Charley) Kish
Patrick Capuano
Harold Margolin (his dad was the "ragman/junkman" from Randall Ave)
Talbot Brody - THS/Israel basketball star
Theodore (Teddy) Wood - one of my gang
The Saxman - I hated that pincy shirt!!
Donald Salady
Thomas (Tommy) Savko...
more to come