Saturday, August 7, 2010

Do You Remember??

Do You Remember??

For the folks from my Burg era (or perhaps it was there
longer)...Do you remember a soda machine outside of
Salamandra's Liquor Store on Chestnut Avenue and
Cummings Avenue? Does anyone remember the big yard
someone had at the corner of Liberty Street and
Chambers Street before they built the CVS drugstore
on that spot? Did anyone have a paper route with the
Trentonian and have a manager named "Mr Lucky"?


Anonymous said...

I was in Ewing and Mr. Lucky was my manager. I remember him as a nice guy who dressed like a pimp, with stylish bell bottoms, sink shirt, long hair, platform shoes with one heel much bigger than the other (one leg shorter, I assume) and -- don't think I'm making this up -- a pimpish hat. In my mind, he looked like Freddie Prinze in the face. I also remember the Lucky 13 subscription contest, when if we signed up a certain number of new subscribers we earned a $69 b&w portable TV. And at Christmas time you could make a few hundred bucks in tips. I especially liked collecting from the connected guys, who would pull out these big wads of cash and peel off bill after bill.

Anonymous said...

"Silk" shirt, not sink. Remember those? And for the great mass of us unwashed, silk-looking polyester shirts with those gaudy prints on them.