Friday, July 9, 2010

Kid Things Store, South Broad Street & Roebling Avenue, The Burg

Kid Things Store, South Broad Street & Roebling Avenue,
The Burg.
I do not recall this but maybe some of my readers do so
here is a picture of it:)


SJBill said...

This buiding at the corner was the Apai Photo studio. I'm not abosulutely sure, but this buiding may have been built from scratch or heavily modified back in the late 40s or early 50s.

Mack said...

That van is groovy

SJBill said...

Living in CA, I see things like that every day! and a lot worse ;-)

brando said...

yes, bill...

it was apai photo in the late 60-70s

Anonymous said...

Mr. Apai, probably the son of the founders taught Bookkeeping at Notre Dame in the 1960's.


Anonymous said...

Kids Things was a consignment shop...I remember stopping in there