Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Jersey Tomatoes

Jersey Tomatoes

In heaven, New Jersey serves the food..(OK and in hell it
sets the tax rates but nevermind). We would start with seeds
in little planters in the front window and then as they grew
big enough and the spring weather arrived we replanted them
out in the yard and wow they would grow like crazy.
Absolutely delicious.
A BLT is almost perfection. 2 slices of toasted bread or a
roll, a slice of tomato, some lettice, 3 slices of bacon and
a dab of mayo:)


JoeZ said...

Mack, I do miss those Jersey Beef Steak tomatoes. Just give me one and some salt and I'll eat it like an apple. My favorite was white toast, american cheese and a big slice of the red tomato. In the summer I had one with every meal, just sliced with salt. Thanks for the picture. Hope you Dad is doing good.

JoeZ said...

Mack, my first comment disappeared. miss those Jersey Reds. I liked american cheese on white toast with a big slice of tomato and mayo. Just give me one of those with a small shaker of salt and I could eat them like an apple. Thanks for the photo.

Anonymous said...

The first summer I left home it was sad. There was not enough money for bacon.

But with a good ripe Jersey tomato who needed bacon. Honestly, I can still skip the bacon (that I love) and just put on a little salt and pepper.

My Grandfather kept his garden till he was 101 years old. Everything went into that soil, coffee grounds he even ground up any chicken or beef bones. So much came from that small patch.

His best trick of all ..... in the early fall before the frost turns the tomatoes to mush ... TAKE ALL THE GREEN ONES ... he would wrap each tomato individually in newsprint and THE TRENTON TIMES WORKS BEST ... (kidding in case Tom Glover is reading this .. I hope you remember that note I sent you Tom, thanking you for your columns .. kidding of course).

WRAP EACH GREEN TOMATO in newspaper and put them in a cool spot. I wish I paid more attention but a basket would go in the shed and another down the cellar. The "shed" tomatoes would get eaten first and then we would start on the basement tomatoes. I think we would go till about Christmas without buying an FL or Cali tomato. Not as good as off the vine but a notch up from the cardboard we buy.

Sorry .. long ... but the green part may be worth sharing.


Ralph Lucarella said...

.....For 10 years in the 1930s and many times latter, I ate tomatoe sandwiches with the end part of the Italian bread, we called "spulete". The guys with me could'nt believe I could eat a sandwich that big. Who knows, it could be one more reason I'm still around. Regards.

Mack said...

Hi Joe Skip & Ralph:)
Thanks Joe Dad is doing better:)
Skip we would put our greenies out in sun until they turned red.
Ralph Italian Bread with a Tomato
is great too I agree:)

Anonymous said...

Oh! Mack, there is always something I forget. While kidding about the Times .... I also forgot that last step.

#4 Take green tomato out of Trenton Times and place in sun to ripen fully.

You should have seen me tonight with the old photos. Wife wanted me to label them. Distant cousins that you met like three times in your life 50 some years ago ??


SJBill said...

Back in the Navy I went to boot camp in the heat of the Summer. We were marched up and down an airstrip while it was close to 95 degrees. The mess hall what had to be fresh Jersey beef steak tomatoes. Sliced and salted, they got me through the day with no problem.

Still love them!

How about some fresh sliced tomatoes, with thin-sliced red onion, salt, pepper, maybe some capers, olive oil and a little chopped fresh basil or oregano.

brando said...

skipper...we did the green tomatoes wrapped in newspaper thing too!!!

a big ol' jersey tomato and a salt shaker makes a great meal!!!

homegrown jersey tomatoes, sometimes called "heirloom" (varities over 25 yrs old) are the best. the tomatoes are not bred to be the picture perfect looking thing, but the have the BEST taste!!!...and that is what matters!!!

i don't want a pretty tomato. i want a delicious tomato!!!