Friday, July 2, 2010

Carroll Robbins School Steps

Carroll Robbins School Steps

Carroll Robbins School was one of the schools attended by
Burg area kids. Here is a close-up of it for some of the
Alumni. Click on the picture and get a close-up of this
nice looking school:)


Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Mac....We were talking about school buses the other day. I just realized why they did'nt have them in my day. Just in Chambersburg alone there were seven elementary schools including Franklin and Moses. The others were Hewitt, Centenial, Washington.Hamilton and Carrol Robbins. Maybe it was because when those schools were built, school buses did'nt exist. It was just a thought when I saw your photo of Carrol Bobbins. Regards.

Mack said...

Hi Ralph:)
And Harrison School too:)

SJBill said...

And Harrison School is about to be closed after 107 years.

A pity!

SJBill said...

A better link here:

Mack said...

Hi SJ:)
I am a bit confused over the closing of this nice looking school. Are there THAT many fewer
kids to educate nearby? I read
the news items about it..