Monday, July 5, 2010

701 Cass Street, South Trenton.

701 Cass Street, South Trenton.
Once Quinns Bar long ago.


Anonymous said...

I can smell the fish for Friday frying in the back. These glasses are small so we better get another pitcher.

My Lord! Is that a spit trough along the floor?


JoeZ said...

Skip, talk about Friday fish dinners, ever have the ones over at Top Road Tavern. I use to go there every Friday and pickup 3 dinners from the little old Italian lady in the back kitchen. My mom ordered them on the way to work Friday mornings.

JoeZ said...

Hey Skip, did you ever have the fish dinners at Top Road Tavern. My mom use to go there before work on a Friday morning, place the order and the kid here would zip over around 5 to pick them up before Dad got home. That little Italian lady in the kitchen was really nice. Miss stuff like that now.

Bill Smith said...


Here's my photo of the window at Quinn's, taken in September 1992: