Roma Bank, The Corner of Hamilton Avenue and Anderson Street,
The Burg
Ralph Lucarella points out his old School Hamilton Elementary
School was on this location long ago.
This is a cool looking building and for so many Burg
folks like me it was most familiar in my Trenton High Days.
Storkys, Manninos, Eddies Donuts, The Casino, The Hamilton
Sweet Shop were all familiar sites right near here:)
Hi Mac.....That corner was a big factor to me in years pasr. It was the beginning of my school days and latter on Roma supplied the financing to build my home at 265 Edinburg Road in Mercerville. I want to repeat that Hamilton School had some of the brightest and ambitous kids of the Burg. When I left Hamilton to go to Junior 4, they put me in one of the top 7th grades which included Latin. They did that with most of the kids from Hamilton. Well, they found out that I was more interested in baseball than I was in Latin. Roma Savings turned out to be a big help to many others in Chambersburg and is still going strong. Regards.
Hi Ralph:)
I love your shout-outs honoring
your Hamilton Elementary School.
I wish I had a nice picture of it
to post.
And as a fellow Junior 4 Alumni
I know how good the place was on
my day and now in yours:)
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