A Few Random Notes.
To Terri Beres Sparks who said her husband's grandpa was
Bill Sparks, the Trenton Policeman my Dad remembered and
appreciated. Can you tell us more about his life.
Terri also said about St Peter & Pauls School in South Trenton:
hi Mack, I had your aunt Anne AKA Sr. Marie Pauline in 7th &
8th grade. She was great! Was this an aunt on your mom's side?
Yes Terri, she was my great aunt AKA my grandma's sister.
Her nun name Pauline was from her mom who died in the spanish
flu epidemic of the early 1900s. Her Mom was Pauline Miczak Chech,
My Grandma was Mary Cech Zorichak and my Mom Julianne Zorichak Mac
Aunt Anne was a graduate of Villanova University.
She spent many holidays with us at our home in the
Burg and was always nice to be around and I miss her to
this day, thanks for the kind words about her Terri:)
I might add to all readers if there are people you remember
from the Burg area and want us to remember them here tell
us about them and try to make it the size of post.
To Jan DiNatale... A note about Tracys 5 & 10, there is
still a faded painted sign on the wall in the parking
lot over there that says Tracys 5 & 10:)
Jan said about Tracys 5 & 10 :
I loved Tracy's.. My friend Linda Seaman and I would spend
an afternoon there. I bought my Mon Evening In Paris perfume
for Mother's Day.
5 years ago
1 comment:
My Mom used to take my sister and myself to Tracy's all of the time when we were little kids. We lived 3 blocks from there on Charlotte Avenue. I remember buying yarn and Easter Candy there. My mom would also buy us Partridge Family trading cards and other little goodies there. I loved it and was so upset when it closed.
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