Friday, November 20, 2009

A Pretty Postcard Picture of Trenton High When it was on Chestnut Avenue and Hamilton Avenue, The Burg

A Pretty Postcard Picture of Trenton High When it was on
Chestnut Avenue and Hamilton Avenue, The Burg
This place was gone by the time I was born but many folks
have remembered it fondly. Click on the picture and fill
your screen with the Trenton High of long ago:)


Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Mack: I was quite young when my brother Lou went here but I can recall watching football practice. My brother played along with Nick Sisti at quarterback, Kayo Rossi and Johnny Buffin. I can't remember who coached but they were highly regarded throughout the state. Trenton High always managed to rank among the best in sports as far back as I can remember. Regards, Ralph

Anonymous said...

What kind of lunatic would destroy a beautiful building like this?

Anonymous said...

What kind of lunatic would destroy a beautiful building like this?

brando said...

who made the bonehead decision to level that building???

it could have been used for something else.