Monday, November 23, 2009

Italian Voices Still Echo

Italian Voices Still Echo
For those of lucky enough to grow up in the Burg, even
us who were not Italian, the sound of folks speaking
Italian or speaking English with an Italian accent can
take us back to old Burg days and the feeling of the place,
its essence. There are free Italian music stations on the
internet and sometimes I put them on when doing this blog.
I remember folks talking about the old country and all of
its charms...well they brought some of that with them..
and those voices remind me of home.....The Burg:)


SJBill said...

Not only the voices echo. I seem to recall the use of hand gestures.

Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Guys: You're so right Bill. If it were'nt for the hand gestures, I'd have a hard time conversing with my neighbors in the Burg. When I was delivering mail there, they'd all say , whay thou ze oh feeld of Lizzine, meaning, are you the child of Elizabeth. Most people knew my mother from the store we had on Mott St. The regular letter carrier in the Burg at that time was Joe Cohen, who was Jewish and proably spoke Italian better than me. Regards

SJBill said...


You remember that Mr. Cohen, the mail man, used to distribute the occasional pair of silk stockings to preferred customers durign WWII?

During the early fifties he'd open the unlocked front door and call out "Mail Man," in the morning and afternoon when making deliveries.

Noel Vento said...

That's right, Bill. I remember the mailman coming into the house to drop off the mail too. My father's office was in our house. The mailman used to open the front door and leave the mail on the foyer table. My father always received lots of mail, sample packages, and pharmacuetical literature. Can't imagine that happening today...

brando said...

some great italian links...

italian-american is supposed to be a TV network eventually...

italian food videos