Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Hazy Summer Afternoon On South Olden Avenue, East Trenton

A Hazy Summer Afternoon On South Olden Avenue, East Trenton
Olden Avenue sure covered a lot of territory. Burg folks going
to North Trenton and Ewing or going to The Capitol Plaza or one
of the many businesses and restaurants nearby took South Olden
Avenue which became North Olden Avenue along the way..and still
further along the North Olden Avenue Extension. I worked at the
Wendy's and Ground Round here long ago. If you went down South
Olden the other way it took you out to Mercerville where I remember
when the K-Mart Shopping Center was once brand new.
Note : The Olden Theatre building is in this picture:)


used digger derricks said...
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Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Mack: That is a good picture of the Olden Bowling Lanes that my brother Lou and I ran at night when we both worked at the Post Office. Below us is Maruca's tomatoe pies, which you posted the other day. Also in that neighborhood was Warwick's Bar and Grill. I think , at one time, Warwick was Mayor or had a high office in the Township. The Warwicks were also well known as good ball players. Regards, Ralph